Should You Find Help for Pornography Addiction?

2019-08-07T12:23:55-06:00January 27th, 2014|Pornography Addiction, Relationship|

There’s a common misconception surrounding addictions. People believe that a person can only become addicted to something that’s bad like alcohol or drugs. In reality, anyone can become addicted to anything they participate in or consume as long as they do it to excess.

Pornography is one of those things that can quickly turn into an addiction. The activity of viewing pornography might seem like harmless titillation. You can participate in the activity away from prying eyes. The private nature of this activity is one of the many reasons it could lead to serious unintended consequences.

Enrolling in a pornography […]

Porn Addiction Rehab Program [8 Treatment Options to Explore]

2019-03-16T01:00:09-06:00January 14th, 2014|Pornography Addiction|

Headshot of sad or thoughtful good looking male model

Viewing pornography starts out as an innocent source of titillation for the pornography viewer. It’s only when they spend far too much time viewing it and their behavior begins to change as a result of this habit. Anything that is done excessively can be considered an addiction, even if it gives the participant enjoyment. The good news is that porn addiction rehab can truly free you from this habit.

Pornography has a way to rewiring the way that the pornography viewer thinks and feels. […]

Top Warning Signs of Pornography Addiction

2019-03-12T04:26:43-06:00December 17th, 2013|Pornography Addiction, Sexual Addiction|

Whenever someone engages in an activity that they are ashamed of, they do whatever they can to hide that behavior. As they become more involving in their pornography viewing, they will begin to neglect important things in their life. This tendency towards regression will make everyone else in their life aware of what they’re doing.

Upon becoming aware of your loved one’s habit, you should encourage them to enroll in a pornography addiction program. Their involvement in this kind of program will make them realize there are other things in life besides looking at pornographyAll it takes is […]

3 Ways Pornography Affects the Brain

2019-03-16T01:01:00-06:00December 2nd, 2013|Pornography Addiction|

Brain. A human brain of different colour under a transparent mesh cover

Pornography is something that a lot of people would consider innocent. In reality, it’s a dangerous habit that has a way in changing the brain in unimaginable ways. The pornography viewer needs to be aware of the damage it’s inflicting before they can change their lives for the better.

It’s difficult to find many things in life that have such an effect on the brain chemistry of the user outside of becoming involved with recreational drugs. The changes might seem subtle, but they have a […]

Pitfalls to Pornography Addiction

2019-04-25T14:34:39-06:00November 26th, 2013|Pornography Addiction|

portrait of young brunet guy in depression sitting near red brick wall

Too many people associate the idea of addiction with substances like drugs and alcohol when really addiction can manifest itself in the form of any behavior that a person involves themselves in to an excessive degree.

It’s possible for someone to be addicted to something other people would consider to be positive. Pornography is not one of those things.

When someone gets overly involved with pornography, it begins to affect all other aspects of their life in a negative fashion. At this point, they […]