Challenges can arise in a marriage and to discover a spouse’s pornography and sexual addiction can have a devastating effect on a relationship. According to Covenant Eyes, 56% of divorce cases involved one party having an obsessive interest in pornographic websites.
If you suspect your spouse is addicted to pornography, how do you ask the difficult questions? Recognize the warning signs? There is no simple answer. However, we’ve created a quiz to help ask the difficult questions when looking at the potential problem areas in a relationship.
When taking the quiz, please remember this should NOT be taken as a sign of proof that your spouse is addicted to pornography, but rather a tool to be used to evaluate your relationship and reconnect with your spouse.
Pornography and sexual addiction hurts everyone. LifeStar Therapy is committed to helping those suffering from addiction, and their spouses, to reclaim their lives and create healthier, stronger relationships. Download our free ebook, The First Step: Taking the First Step Toward Recovery, to learn more about the healing process.