Why Is Communication Important In a Relationship?

2019-10-31T14:44:40-06:00November 5th, 2019|Marriage|

There are a great number of factors that are involved in building a healthy relationship, especially when it comes to partnerships. Some factors are more important than others, and one of the most cited ones is communication. Some even go so far as to claim that it may even be the single most important part of a relationship.

But why is communication important in a relationship? Some may argue that other factors, particularly connection, are most important for a fully functional relationship. While other factors such as connection are definitely important, they do not negate the significance […]

Married To A Sex Addict [16 Healthy Relationship Tips]

2019-09-05T12:47:08-06:00September 5th, 2019|Marriage, Pornography Addiction|

Pornography and sexual addiction are serious issues that often begin long before the wedding day (and in many cases the courtship period). While the reasons people become addicted to porn can be complicated, the results are shockingly simple: these addictions harm everyone involved. As you begin to deal with your spouse’s addiction, you may find yourself asking “how do I live with an addict?”

To help you answer that question, here are 11 important tips when married to a sex addict that may help you stabilize your relationship as you both move forward […]

My Spouse is a Recovering Sex Addict; How Do I Help?

2019-05-03T15:01:12-06:00August 15th, 2017|Marriage, Pornography Addiction|

Sex and pornography addictions can be catastrophic in the lives of the addict, and the lives of their loved ones. The road to recovery is long and difficult, and spouses and partners may be wondering what they can do to speed their companions along the path. While it’s true that no one can solve the problem for the addict, some courses of action will help assist them, and make their journey easier, facilitating healing for all involved.

Supporting the Addict

Educate Yourself

The first step is getting to know the enemy: the addiction. Recovery for […]

How to Disclose a Slip Up to Your Partner During Recovery

2019-08-07T12:23:15-06:00October 12th, 2016|Marriage, Pornography Addiction, Sexual Addiction|

“We are products of our past, but we don’t have to be prisoners of it.” – Rick Warren

First you need to know what a slip is. The most successful recovering addicts are those who, in the very beginning of their recovery process, establish their bottom lines. Your bottom line is what defines sobriety for you. In other words, you must draw the line on the behaviors that you will no longer participate in, and thus, all recovering addicts do not share a common bottom line. To help stay in recovery and maintain accountability […]

6 “Must Do” Ideas to Improve Your Marriage in the New Year

2019-08-07T16:39:31-06:00January 22nd, 2016|Marriage|

A New Year is here and, with the fresh start, many people have set their personal goals and resolutions for the year. We all have areas in our lives we’d like to improve, things we’d like to accomplish, and a bucket list of places to see. But what about your relationship with your spouse?

We all have hectic lives and finding time to reconnect with your spouse may not always be on your mind. This year, take some time to set goals to reconnect and improve your relationship with your spouse. Through setting goals […]

Why You Should Talk With Your Children While Dealing With Conflict In Marriage

2019-08-07T11:50:20-06:00November 10th, 2015|Marriage|

We want to keep our children safe and do everything in our power to make sure they feel safe and secure. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, things can come in a marriage that can tear a family apart and leave children feeling scared and vulnerable.

Relationships go through their ups and downs. Even the best marriages can have some bumpy roads, but when there are children involved, it is important they know this is not their fault and are loved by both parents. Help your kids better cope with the situation […]