7 Healthy Lifestyle Changes To Help While You Strive To Overcome Porn

2019-08-07T11:46:31-06:00January 30th, 2018|Pornography Addiction|

If you’ve struggled with it in the past, then you already know how hard it can be to overcome porn. You may have stopped using only to discover that your life still seems to be out of balance. Many in recovery think that when life gets better they will have the time, energy or motivation to get their life back in order. The opposite is true. A balanced life in recovery does not come from having the time or energy for it. It comes from following through on the healthy behaviors of healthy living.

An […]

How To Unplug: 10 Ways To Live a Happier Life

2019-05-03T15:01:12-06:00October 6th, 2017|Ways To Be Happy|

Cell phones, laptops, tablets, TVs, email, Facebook, Netflix…the list of ways you can spend your time plugged into technology goes on and on. They can be overwhelming, and slowly but surely they can take control of your life. Isn’t it about time we were in charge (no pun intended) of our own lives, and let go of our dependence on technology? Isn’t it time we learned how to be happy with ourselves?

If you’re wondering how to reduce tension in your life and be happy again, try living a more unplugged life. Taking time […]

My Spouse is a Recovering Sex Addict; How Do I Help?

2019-05-03T15:01:12-06:00August 15th, 2017|Marriage, Pornography Addiction|

Sex and pornography addictions can be catastrophic in the lives of the addict, and the lives of their loved ones. The road to recovery is long and difficult, and spouses and partners may be wondering what they can do to speed their companions along the path. While it’s true that no one can solve the problem for the addict, some courses of action will help assist them, and make their journey easier, facilitating healing for all involved.

Supporting the Addict

Educate Yourself

The first step is getting to know the enemy: the addiction. Recovery for […]

Blurring the Line Between Fantasy & Reality: How Virtual Reality is Making Porn More Dangerous

2019-08-07T11:49:11-06:00July 10th, 2017|Pornography Addiction, Virtual Reality|

Like other aspects of the entertainment industry, porn has made the jump to VR. And like other VR experiences, VR porn is more immersive than its two-dimensional counterpart. It allows the viewer to feel like more of an active participant, making the experience feel more real.

When dealing with something like pornography that already blurs the line between fantasy and reality, amplifying that effect can be cause for concern. That was the motivation behind a new study done by Newcastle University, which looked into the effects virtual reality has on pornographic experiences. Their […]

“Parental Guidance is Advised”: The Shift Toward an R-Rated Culture

2019-05-03T15:01:12-06:00June 28th, 2017|Pornography Addiction, Sexual Addiction|

American culture has always been a battle between the wholesome and the obscene. For much of the country’s history, however, it has been easy to segregate the obscene and maintain safe spaces for ourselves and our families. Where once our prime time TV was furnished with shows like The Andy Griffith Show, and our theaters frequented by actors of class like Jimmy Stewart and Gregory Peck, our culture has, over the years, come to accept less family-friendly entertainment.

Our culture has had a steady shift towards accepting increased levels of explicit content in media, […]

Which States Have Declared Pornography a Public Health Crisis?

2019-05-03T15:01:13-06:00April 4th, 2017|Pornography Addiction|

Thanks to the ubiquitousness of the internet, pornography can easily slide its way into any household. Sex researcher Alvin Cooper, PhD, referred to this as the “triple-A engine” effect: the accessibility, affordability, and anonymity that the internet provides makes it easier than ever to discover erotic material.

Why It’s Problematic

Excessive pornography use can cause problems in many aspects of life, not the least of which is romantic relationships. In 2012, a study conducted at the University of Tennessee surveyed female college students and learned that lower sexual satisfaction, decreased relationship quality, and lower self-esteem […]

50 Shades of Grey: How Porn Addiction Can Affect Both Men & Women

2019-08-07T11:56:49-06:00February 6th, 2017|Pornography Addiction, Sexual Addiction|

Pornography addiction has often been labeled a “man’s problem,” with a lot of blame being placed on the media and entertainment industry for producing hyper-sexualized movies, magazine covers, and of course the pornography industry which creates skewed perceptions of intimacy and body image.

While men certainly do suffer from and are susceptible to pornography addictions influenced by the entertainment industry, women are not excluded from its influence. Porn addiction can harm both men and women indiscriminately, although often in different ways.

The 2016 release of 50 Shades of Grey and the upcoming release of its […]

How to Disclose a Slip Up to Your Partner During Recovery

2019-08-07T12:23:15-06:00October 12th, 2016|Marriage, Pornography Addiction, Sexual Addiction|

“We are products of our past, but we don’t have to be prisoners of it.” – Rick Warren

First you need to know what a slip is. The most successful recovering addicts are those who, in the very beginning of their recovery process, establish their bottom lines. Your bottom line is what defines sobriety for you. In other words, you must draw the line on the behaviors that you will no longer participate in, and thus, all recovering addicts do not share a common bottom line. To help stay in recovery and maintain accountability […]

Important Tools To Heal In Your Porn Addiction Recovery

2019-08-07T11:51:57-06:00June 23rd, 2016|Pornography Addiction, Sexual Addiction|

Breaking porn addiction is not an easy process. Various emotions come up and old habits are hard to let go of. No matter how hard it may seem, it is possible to overcome and heal from your addiction.

As with stopping any addiction, you’ll need to take time and establish new habits. People can get pulled deeper into their addictions due to boredom, anger, loneliness, depression,and other various emotions. The key is to find other ways to deal with your triggers, and develop new routines, or habits, to support you in your healing.

“Rock […]

6 Important Steps to Breaking Your Addiction

2019-05-21T11:34:45-06:00March 22nd, 2016|Pornography Addiction|

Have you ever wondered what causes people to struggle with addiction when others seem less affected? We can’t always know who will be more affected by those addictive substances (drugs, alcohol, porn, etc.), but what we do know is that recovery is possible. Though for many who struggle with addiction, the path of recovery is a lifelong choice each day to abstain from the substance.

Because of that, when it comes to overcoming your porn addiction, having the tools and resources around you is important to your success. If you’re ready to break […]