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So far LifeStar Therapy has created 20 blog entries.

Married To A Sex Addict [16 Healthy Relationship Tips]

2019-09-05T12:47:08-06:00September 5th, 2019|Marriage, Pornography Addiction|

Pornography and sexual addiction are serious issues that often begin long before the wedding day (and in many cases the courtship period). While the reasons people become addicted to porn can be complicated, the results are shockingly simple: these addictions harm everyone involved. As you begin to deal with your spouse’s addiction, you may find yourself asking “how do I live with an addict?”

To help you answer that question, here are 11 important tips when married to a sex addict that may help you stabilize your relationship as you both move forward […]

Porn Blocking Software: How to Choose the Right One For You

2019-08-13T13:55:14-06:00August 12th, 2019|Pornography Addiction|

Keep your family’s devices free from the pollution that is porn. By installing filters on your computer and mobile devices, pornographic websites won’t be able to make an accidental (or intentional) appearance.

Read our overview of the best pornography blockers available and then take the time to install one on each of your personal and family devices. By shielding yourself, your spouse, and your children from unwanted images and videos, you can confidently browse the web on all your favorite devices.

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How To Rebuild Trust In A Relationship [After Porn Addiction]

2019-05-21T11:45:08-06:00January 29th, 2019|Relationship|

Trust is something that must be earned in a relationship over time. Whether you’re interacting with a spouse, partner, or friend, trust develops over a series of incidences where promises are kept and both people are able to become more vulnerable and open. This type of trust is crucial to building and maintaining a strong relationship. Without it, the foundation of the relationship crumbles, and suspicion, doubt, and hurt can take its place.

Fixing Trust Issues

If you’re looking to fix trust issues in a relationship, especially due to porn addiction, you’ll need to […]

How To Quit Porn [Once & For All]

2019-07-12T07:53:43-06:00December 11th, 2018|Pornography Addiction|

Porn addiction is not a myth. It is a real problem, suffered by real people. Porn addiction causes untold damage in the lives of the addict, as well as those who love them. Addiction can result in the loss of jobs, the end of a marriage, or worse. Overcoming pornography addiction, in most cases, feels impossible for the addict. Most live a shameful double life, with little hope of recovery. If this describes you, we understand, and we’re here to help.

At LifeStar Therapy, we believe pornography addiction can be overcome—that addicts can […]

How To Improve Communication Skills In A Relationship [Expert Tips]

2019-08-07T11:44:24-06:00September 6th, 2018|Relationship|

Keeping open and honest communication flowing in your relationships is difficult, especially when one or both parties sometimes feels they have been hurt. Many wonder how they can fix communication in a relationship that has only experienced poor communication for so long. Whether you both have suffered from effects of porn or sex addiction, or just want to improve where your relationship is, maintaining and mending relationships requires deep trust developed through honest and open communication.

As you and your loved ones work together on creating a plan for how to communicate better, you […]

Why Are People Addicted To Porn? [Causes of Addiction]

2019-10-18T14:17:48-06:00August 7th, 2018|Pornography Addiction|

Many hold the opinion that people become addicted to pornography because they are weak, lack moral fiber, or have zero self-discipline. Destructive labels such as these make it more difficult for those with addictions to seek porn addiction treatment. It is therefore important to understand the nature of pornography addiction.

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5 Tips for Teaching Your Kids the Dangers of Pornography

2019-05-03T15:01:12-06:00March 13th, 2018|Pornography Addiction|

We often think of pornography usage being a problem only faced by those who have already reached adolescence. The prevalence of porn and sexually explicit material, however, has been changing that. These days, the average age of exposure is eleven years old, and that’s just the average. Many are being exposed much younger than that.

At this point, it’s clear that if we want to protect our children from the dangers of pornography, we need to be proactive. Similar to efforts to discourage drug and underage alcohol usage, we need to prepare them […]

7 Healthy Lifestyle Changes To Help While You Strive To Overcome Porn

2019-08-07T11:46:31-06:00January 30th, 2018|Pornography Addiction|

If you’ve struggled with it in the past, then you already know how hard it can be to overcome porn. You may have stopped using only to discover that your life still seems to be out of balance. Many in recovery think that when life gets better they will have the time, energy or motivation to get their life back in order. The opposite is true. A balanced life in recovery does not come from having the time or energy for it. It comes from following through on the healthy behaviors of healthy living.

An […]

How To Unplug: 10 Ways To Live a Happier Life

2019-05-03T15:01:12-06:00October 6th, 2017|Ways To Be Happy|

Cell phones, laptops, tablets, TVs, email, Facebook, Netflix…the list of ways you can spend your time plugged into technology goes on and on. They can be overwhelming, and slowly but surely they can take control of your life. Isn’t it about time we were in charge (no pun intended) of our own lives, and let go of our dependence on technology? Isn’t it time we learned how to be happy with ourselves?

If you’re wondering how to reduce tension in your life and be happy again, try living a more unplugged life. Taking time […]

My Spouse is a Recovering Sex Addict; How Do I Help?

2019-05-03T15:01:12-06:00August 15th, 2017|Marriage, Pornography Addiction|

Sex and pornography addictions can be catastrophic in the lives of the addict, and the lives of their loved ones. The road to recovery is long and difficult, and spouses and partners may be wondering what they can do to speed their companions along the path. While it’s true that no one can solve the problem for the addict, some courses of action will help assist them, and make their journey easier, facilitating healing for all involved.

Supporting the Addict

Educate Yourself

The first step is getting to know the enemy: the addiction. Recovery for […]